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Make a donation

All charitable organisations are facing challenges, heightened even further by the cost of living crisis.


But we have decided we are stronger together.

Your donation to Fréa allows us to work more effectively on joint projects, support services and share resources for the benefit of our Irish communities - your donation will go further and have a wider impact. 

Your donation will help us provide key services to our Irish communities, such as Irish Luncheon Clubs, Befriending support for Irish people who are isolated and lonely, celebrating cultural days and keeping the Irish spirit alive.


Your contributions also help us to improve the well-being of vulnerable Irish people – especially younger people managing their mental health or homelessness, families struggling financially and elderly people who are living in poverty and isolation.

Donate Here

Help to support the vulnerable Irish in the North of England.

You can make a gift through Paypal below.
(Note: you don’t need an account) 

Image by Brandon Hoogenboom

Friends of Fréa

To thank those who have made gifts through legacies, we will invite you to join the 'Friends of Fréa Society' which will meet at regular intervals throughout the year for exclusive lunches, and speaker events and allow you to meet others who share your values and ethos in wanting to support vulnerable members of our community. 

Funders & Supporters

Fréa is funded thanks to the Irish Government and

Irish Embassy in London through a grant via the Irish Government’s Emigrant Support Programme.

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