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Fréa: Redressing Irish Church and State institutions


From the Irish State’s foundation (1922), until 1998, Mother and Baby and County Homes existed across Ireland.

Fréa and the Liverpool Irish Festival present an online event aimed at exploring former residents experiences and the current Irish Government programme Friday 27th October at 1pm on Zoom


Institutions -designed to accommodate single mothers, pregnant women or those risking destitution- became places of neglect, degradation, suffering and loneliness. Significantly, rates of infant mortality outstripped those of the wider population.

Following the discovery of the remains of 796 children, illegally buried on the site of the Bonn Secours Home in Tuam (County Galway) -and campaigns from former residents of the homes- a Commission of Investigation was established by the Irish Government. This was followed by the enactment of several pieces of legislation, aimed at responding to former residents’ experiences.


It’s believed 38,000 people will be eligible to access these schemes. Additionally, it’s estimated 40% of these live in Britain.

  • With today’s legislation in place, what effects are the systems having?

  • What were the experiences of former residents and how are they being addressed?

  • Where can people access the schemes or gain help to access them?

During our online event, Fréa will explore former resident experiences and share the Government’s response. The event will help people understand how they access these systems and ways they can advocate for former residents.

To book a free place at this event please register at Eventbright Fréa: Redressing Irish Church and State institutions Tickets, Fri 27 Oct 2023 at 13:00 | Eventbrite

We are also holding community screenings at the offices of Irish Community Care Manchester (contact Patrick on 07432 138682 to book a place) Irish Community Care Merseyside (contact Ciaran on 07732 901782) and Leeds Irish Health and Homes (contact Natalie on 07849 835841)

For other events happening at the Liverpool Irish Festival please see their website Events - Liverpool Irish Festival

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